Mitul's Birthday… Conned!

Today was Mitul’s birthday… which I was “conned” into going, which led me to a series of, say, “unfortunate” incidents. One of those incidents include almost getting run over by a car. I’m serious, I’m not joking. I could show you a picture if I wanted to, unfortunately if I were to take out my camera and take a photo of the car in front of me at that point of time, I don’t even know if my camera will be safe enough for my friends to retrieve it and post it into my blog for me… Riiiight, I hear you say, with just a little hint of sarcasm. Even if I were to make it out alive, there’s no gaurantee that the driver isn’t going to be too happy with me, no siree!!

This section is not dedicated to the month of May, although they both have loads of photos in one post. Mine is of pure artistic taste, I assure you. Thank you for reading this disclaimer.

Aaaand here’s the receipt of today’s birthday dinner!! A shocking 180 quid for just the 9 of us!!

The birthday boy himself, Mitul, smiling like a looney he is! Errr.. Ooops 😀

The rest of the gang, all seeming to be having fun,
they had a look at the reciept 😈

Look at the food… Something called CausCaus, a Morocan delicacy.. Not really my taste though >.<
And before that, I was at Johan’s house, who contains a certain French called Pierre… Bad Boy!!

Last but not least, HAPPY HALOWEEN’s DAY with an authentic Carved Pumpkin (stolen from the Union! Bad Tim!)

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Pasar Malam Power!

Very busy at the moment, still finding time to settle down, get things started and trying to finish a lot of unfinished business…. Procastination being my ultimate enemy right this instant!

But, nevertheless, I will endure and perservere, very much like Naruto…

I adore thee…

Getting back to the topic, here’s a beaaaautiiiful pic of Nimalen himself, holding a very dodgy looking calligraphy done by our very own Chinese Calligraphy team!

Nimalen fails to realize what he asked for… 😈

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And the Tock-Ism Fights Back

Taaa daaah!

And here I am, back from the graveyard with a totally new sense of life within me! As you can see, internet is now back and running from my flat at *take note* my beautiful address:

Flat 37, Princes Court,
88 Brompton Road,
SW3 1ES London.

Notice the simplicity and the beauty of it. Wonderfulz Bonitos.

Resuming daily updates, I will, as always, entertain you with random fun and tockless thoughts. Of these, one will be useful for your everyday life, 5 will have at least a sense of randomness meant to poke your heart, and the last 10 shall be a reminder of what a lucky person you are to know the great mua.

To avoid more awkward moments, I shall end this enlightening post with a few pictures describing my brief summary of days last past.

One Pic Representing Few Pics on Summary!!

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Busy, seriously busy!

Bloody internet won’t start!! According to them, there were some errors too, so no internet for me until maybe next week, or *gulp* in 2 weeks X(

Anyways, found a great piece of engineering work:

This bridge is half under the water, for ships to pass and then again, it comes out on the other side.
Just look. This bridge is between Sweden and Denmark … Picture taken from the side of Sweden.
The bridge (or should it be called tunnel?) goes under water to allow movement of ships.

Great, eh?

Imagine diving into the sea with your car!

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