Now we all know that all companies try their best to find the most effective way to communicate with their existing and prospective buyers, and I’m sure that the vice-versa is true as well; most people do want to find out more information about their favourite brand without having to face spammy stuff which can get pretty annoying. Who’s with me here?
The official Crocs Bloggers!
Crocs Malaysia, my preferred footwear for all occasions and also whom I am an official blogger for (the earlier first, latter second :p) is constantly trying to find an answer to that too. I thought it might be great that we source the answers from friends and family then, at least we will be able to identify two things at the end of the day:
1. If Crocs Malaysia were to send out a communiqué (for example, like a loyalty programme thingie) which method would you prefer: Facebook, Website, Direct e-mailing, SMS or Twitter? (notice I left out non-social media methods like TV ads and door to door flyers- they are out of fashion imho!)
2. If YOU were interested in a brand, SAY LA, Crocs (which I know a lot of you do :P) and want to find out more about it, say by giving YOUR contact information out, which would you be most comfortable to give out from the list above? I know it’s definitely not your address, like I said, we all don’t like spam do we?
At the end of the day, it’s about finding the right balance between the way how Crocs Malaysia sends out the information (of course they do as they have monthly promotions plus announcements of clearance sales!) and the way how YOU would best receive it- and it all boils down to a method of communication we can all compromise with 😉
Added to that, the best few replies to question 1 and 2 will receive an exclusive premium by Crocs worth RM89 each- a super handy shoe bag! If you haven’t won any from previous contests in my fellow official Crocs blogger’s site, then try your luck here- trust me it’s way easier since I’ve probably the least visitors among all of them 😛
By the way, do follow Crocs Malaysia on both Twitter and Facebook, also do visit their website at to find out existing communications method.
So give me your answers to points 1 and 2, now!
Related links (all of them contain great blog posts, not to be missed!):
Crocs Calls – MissyCheerio
All about Crocs – FeeqSays
What would you like to hear and see from Crocs in terms of Product, Promotions and Events?? – Rebecca Saw
Crocs Trailbreak: Not Entirely Pretty But Kicks Ass – Marcky