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Hanabi with the Dutch Lady

Upon an invitation by Mr Lawrence from Pizza Hut, I was fortunate to dine in one of his favourite japanese dining house, called Hanabi. Situated at the heart of KL, right opposite Beach Club (where transvestites swarm a many!) it cannot be missed with its eloquent Japanese exterior design. As you enter you could feel a sense of class in it, albeit the absence of many customers once upon a time, Mr Lawrence did mention. However, the reason for his loyal visits became quite clear cut as I feasted upon their limited menu.

salmon set

Lawrence brought his niece who was born and raised in Amsterdam. She doesn’t really eat raw stuff, which I thought was funny, since I thought everybody from Amsterdam are pretty much the most sporting people ever lol! So she had this Salmon Steak Set.


unle's set

Mr Lawrence had something else that looked like Ikan Bakar to me lol. Can’t for the life of me remember what fish is that, but…


close up of set uncle

It sure looked yummy , marinated and grilled to perfection!


my set 1

So, presenting in all glory, their biggest lunch set which costed a mere RM50! I tell you, for that kind of price I expected something smaller or less than how it is in the menu, but boy was I surprised!


my set 2

The Hanabi set came with salad, fruits, Cawanmushi, prawn tempura, unagi and a luxurious set of assorted sushi.


sushi set

I think it was never a fair fight when the way it was presented to you takes precedence over its flavour. It’s almost a given!


my sushi!!!

At every angle, at every point, it looked so beautiful that I did not even dare to touch my food until Lawrence vehemently gave a barely audible cough to signify the start of our meal. Lol. Floggers, they never change their spots.


clsoe up of salmon and toro

I never gave up though. I left these two as a final blow of orgasmical levels to the end. I don’t think I need to explain why, especially when it involves Salmon Belly and Tuna Belly (Toro).


dutcl lady and lawrence

Needless to say they were pretty amused at my antiques. With that Lawrence and his beautiful Dutch Lady proceed to wolf down their meals while I entertain them with a series of what-I-do’s and where-you-come-in’s. Interestingly Lawrence revealed he had a three-year plan before his retirement that he wanted me to be involved in. How could I refuse such an offer? Even as I write this entry, short term, mid term and long term projects have been carefully listed in my books, some being executed as we speak, some still in dilly dally mode and some even made it to production stage… and you’ll soon find out soon what it is, because it involves social networks and fun, fun and more FUN!


y set in all glory

It’s been a great half a year since I was shaken, not stirred deep down within me. But with the revelation of more and more interesting opportunities and the blessings to know certain entreprenuering mindsets such as Mr Cerventus, Mr Zain and Mr Firdaus, along with many others, I can truly say there are more things to come.

So in the mean time, do stay tuned πŸ˜‰

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My world with Heineken @ G.A.B Brewery

cindy bar 2

I had the pleasure to accompany Cindy Tey, otherwise known as Jade Zheng, to a blogger’s makan and minum session at G.A.B. (that’s Guinness Anchor Berhad) and though we had a heavy downpour , I still managed to arrive at her place in time and send the both of us to G.A.B. factory located at the left side of the “fake” penang bridge going towards Kepong/Sunway (really, you can’t miss it!)

GAB Factory

The large signboard that stood out among the other kilangs in the vicinity


bar side

Inside the vast compound there were a few buildings, each with their specific functions.

We were led to Building 2, which wasn’t the building where they brew fresh drafts of beer (I was honestly disappointed but Jasmine who works for Heineken said she might do a tour one day!) but where they placed an English-looking pub-esque bar for their staff and guests to have a pint or two after a hard day’s work.

Just looking at the bar above brings back nostalgic memories of my days in London πŸ˜€



Then there was this really nice Saxophonic looking dispenser, it looks so cool that I couldn’t resist putting it up here without any reason whatsoever lol.

Anyway on with the show!


cindy beer

Have you heard of the joke where for every pint of beer you drink, your partner looks better and better?

Well, apparently it’s true according to certain researchers! However in this context, and I testify for it myself, Cindy never changed throughout my Heineken-filled night; she looked as gorgeous as ever from the beginning to the end!


me and cindy

Us with our pint of good ol’ premium Heineken, world-class stuff πŸ˜‰


The Heineken Affair

someething exciting web game

One of the latest initiative by Heineken all around the world is their launch of their latest online gaming project called the Star Finale 2009 that I found really exciting!

Those who’ve heard of their past gaming initiatives will know that this is by no means new, in fact, the last event I’d been to was soccer-related in a bid to win this 3-player online game in order to win a trip fully sponsored by Heineken to Krabi!

My team which consisted of Andrew and Joshua lost out to KY‘s team, made of Suanie and Horny Horng (and it was all my fault *whimpers*) who later went on to win the game, which will mean they get sent to Krabi to watch one of the biggest Champion League game (Suanie would probably just enjoy the stars drinking Heineken, dunno what she’ll want to do with those balls anyway πŸ˜›)

I, meanwhile, would prefer to eye myself on the Star Final: Journey to the finale! and win it with style πŸ˜‰

Creating and customizing your own ship, allowing it to journey for at least 5 days and at the same time able to drop messages for your fellow friends or enemies to read (HAHA SLOW POKE!) and imagining their creaming faces when they receive them, and to top it all… combining into one super large fleet of forces all heading towards the same path, lead by our Nuffnang leaders Tim and Ming to collect major points, doesn’t all that sound so exciting for you?!


Well it does for me, so why don’t you all go ahead and head to and register first, and when Tim finally starts his fleet we can all join forces to create the largest fleet ever to cross the ocean! (Don’t forget we’re competing with other countries as well! As far as I know Italy is already having more than 200 registered users since the site launched 3 days ago)


front view

Many of us were quite excited as it was explained to us. It then occurred to me that this could be the reason for us being gathered together that night, but Natasha of Compass Communications tells me that it really is for providing us free food and free flow of Heineken all night long. Go figure *winks*


aww tim and aud

And oh looky what we have here. Like watch cinema is it, the two of you! sheesh lol.


Beer Tapping

The rest of the pictures are of us learning the proper way to beer tap, taught by our friendly expert bartender. Enjoy!

cindy tapping

Cindy tapping it good. The secret really lies on getting a very cold frosted pint mug.


aud tapping

Audrey finding it hard to reach for the levers. In actual fact you have to know when to start pulling the lever, and when to stop.


not too bad result

Done correctly, you won’t overspill the foam which is a skill that takes months of experience to achieve!


robb the muscle man

Robb shows that you need muscles to pull off a good tap. Unfortunately for him he’s giving the wrong focus here; concentrate on the tapping man, not the showing off!


tim tim

Tim takes his stand; he was supposed to be the saviour of the male species since the girls were doing far better than the guys. Unfortunately he didn’t know another secret of tapping was to put the frosted mug in exactly 45 degrees to reduce the foam!


gareth the white man

You’d think Gareth the White Man would pull it off like a natural. Think again, his overconfidence literally overflowed as he confidently took a gamble at pulling a quick draft equated to spilling more than a quarter of its contents.


kenny was the culprit

And so the newly-botak Kenny took the stage. With all eyes concentrated on him, he tried pulling off all the secrets that he learned while watching the rest make a fool of themselves.


epic failure

It was an epic failure. He forgot that the final secret to tapping is that the pressure used to START moving the lever up and STOP by placing the lever back in place has to be very precise in order to create no foam in the beginning, and a little foam at the end.

Kinda like the opposite of what he achieved. LAWL.


A Blogger’s Disease

is the inability to control themselves when the cameras are out and hunting. The rest of the pictures constitutes glamorous camwhoring and classic posing, feel free to puke at disgust in our vanity and self-absorbed nature.

me red face and cindy

Red-faced Christopher Tock with Cindy


aud and hb umbrella

Audrey and Huai Bin doing the Mary Poppin’s children pose + Ella ella ella moments


robb icndy'

Robb the hottie with Cindy


ky mel cindy

KY, Mellissa (who’s leaving us tomorrow night to Aussie *sobs*) and Cindy Tey (CT- same initials as me!)


garteh and aud hahhaa

Gareth ShaolinTiger and Audrey. I was laughing as I took the photo. What, not funny meh? HAHAHAH!



How he got botak. Not every time you can catch him like this… unless he does it every year, that is.

Don’t think he will.


tiam cindy and me

Ewe Tiam, as I fondly know him as (Tim to the rest of you) and CT2 (CT-squared, geddit? HAHA!)


toilet camwhore

One classic Chris Tock signature toilet-pose served right up yours, like it or not.


cindy draft

Before we adjourned, Cindy decided to be naughty and took a glass of Guinness Draft. Not a very nice thing to do since our dear Jasmine, Heineken’s BRAND MANAGER (lol) was right beside us πŸ˜›


cindy and simon guiness

And finally our very own Simon Seow who magically pops out of everywhere, til the point when one never gets surprised anymore to see Simon wherever we go. lol!


Ok thanks bai think that was worth every second grinded into this post.

Thanks Nuffnang for everything, and congratulations again on your 2nd Anniversary!

From the moment I followed the birth of your idea, followed by the manifestation 2 years ago and finally coming to the 2nd year of not only getting international recognition as a multi-million, multi-national business, you clearly influenced the advertising world in Asia and drove them into the new digital age, while making sure to take care of the online community that you’ve slowly built from a base from mere hundreds into what it is now, what, say a 80,000 network of bloggers across Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Australia?


Kudos, people of Nuffnang. You should be proud of yourselves, just as I am proud of you, probably along with many others out there πŸ™‚

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Nick Chay's CNY Open House

WARNING: Creating this entry before having breakfast has caused me serious internal damage, eternal stomach growling and pains together with loss of water through drool. Please proceed with caution

Nicholas decided one day that he wanted to show off his father’s awesome cooking that he’s been telling us about, and fortunately for us the fateful day came. It was to be a small group gathering filled with food, mahjong and poker cards, just the way I like it πŸ˜€

HB following car

Huai Bin wasn’t sure where his house was in Desa Park City, and since I had the privilege to accompany Nicholas home once for some skiiing session (wtf) I offered to guide him there and so he came to my house to tailgate my car. It was pretty darn funny cause he turned on his emergency lights all the way while tailgating, making me look like the leading car wherelse he was the VIP being chauffered around. Guess HB always has his special way of doing things out of the ordinary eh? πŸ˜‰


homemade springroll

Needless to say as soon as we arrived, Nick’s mom threw her best hospitability skills which were awesome and made us feel at home, which wasn’t hard cause all she had to do was to push them beautiful and aromatic dishes our way and made us melt. This Homemade Spring Roll was one of them, and I have to tell you it’s one of the tastiest springroll I’ve eaten for some time!


father made curry!

But the dish-of-the-day was actually the Chay’s Chicken Curry which was also made by Nick’s father! Apparently his pride and joy, the curry which was not so often made is tantalisingly delicious, and what’s more, it wasn’t made with santan so that those who face obesity issues or suffers from IBS will get to taste it! Unfortunately I couldn’t tell what he substituted it for, until I was told by Auntie that Uncle used evaporated milk and it all suddenly made sense πŸ™‚


prawns in salted egg yolk

I think this was the Fried Prawns in Salted Egg Yolk, because that was how I remembered the dish. Needless to say every bite was crisp and done in all tastefulness, leaving you no other desire than to want more of it.


roast duck!

Of course the Golden Roasted Duck is a must, giving a variety of dishes to choose from. Nick’s parents really did so much for the bunch of us!


glutinous rice

Finally came the Sesame Glutinous Rice, which came with a somewhat heavy aroma of sesame seed oil which I adore. Though admittedly it was a little hard, no thanks to taking them out of the steamer far too early so that the moisture dried up, we still had it because it went so very well with the curry. What a perfect combination!


all thumbs up (Andrew, chay and HB)

Andrew was already there when Huai Bin and I arrived, so the first batch who had the scrumptious meal was the 3 of us plus Nick’s friend and mom! Auntie didn’t even allow us to be shy, telling us that there’s many more where it came from. How could we resist? Thumbs up from all to Auntie and Uncle Chay!


display menu

I repeat: H-o-w c-o-u-l-d w-e r-e-s-i-s-t!


meeh oon!

Oh before I forget, there was this huuuuuuuge portion of Heavenly Fried Mee Hoon right smack in the middle of the table. How la, my diet routine has been destroyed forever!


my plate

I was so shy, my first session consisted of the following few dishes on my plate. I think my “shyness” left me when I found out Auntie had many more food at the back of the kitchen πŸ˜›



And of course, how could I not bring Shitzoe to happy events like these? Say Hi to Shitzoe everyone!


the rest came to gamble

After having our lunch of the century (I’m not exaggerating, I think the food could have lasted us THAT long lol) the bunch of us started playing cards, while the second batch of guests came, including KY, Cheesie, Suanie, Mellissa, Tzia, Yee Hou, Deb Fong (here’s her version!) and my darling Firdy.


All in all we had a blast of a gambling session with constant flow of drinks thanks to the Chay family, and eventually left in groups. Thank you Nicholas Chay, my ever loving shirt tuck-out, not-so-hamsap hensem guy who I admire a lot and one of the better badminton players I’ve met, for inviting me to your little party πŸ˜€

Anyway Firdy and I were the last to leave and with that, it marked another end of the Chinese New Year of 2009 πŸ™‚

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