Tag - malaysia

Be part of "Entrepreneurs for...

UPDATES: We are proud to be one of the six awardees of the AGF-BC Social Enterprise Award 2013 that concluded last month, receiving fundings of up to RM40,000 and mentoring for up to a year! I can’t believe it! Well done Zabrina, the...

Celebrating Swedish House Mafia One Last...

It was the  18th January 2013, the day Swedish House Mafia brought the roof down for all party goers before they officially disband on March 24 2013 with their last appearance on Ultra Music Festival. And lucky us got a media invite to...

The 13th General Elections… and its...

So #GE13 is finally here, happening in 2 days time. Flags, springs, motorbikes and vehicles carrying their respective party symbols are abundant in every state, every town and in every kampung. I don’t need to say more, you’ve...

#WhatYouthWant – Recognition, Money...

“More Opportunities” says the sub-headline of today’s Star RAGE section covering #WhatYouthWant from the government, and goes on to share what I feel what youths want most in this country. Unfortunately, that small little...