The preparation was solid. The execution was awesome. The resulting night was the final touch to the heavens. I could write so much about it, and show you so many photos from the preparation, the execution to the finale, but I won’t...
Tag - Randomalphabets

It is inspirations like these that makes it all the awesomer!
I’m a big fan of @WooThemes although I don’t use them all the time, but even more so, I’m a bigger fan of...
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RandomAlphabets latest flashmob: #hideNseek!
RandomAlphabets, famed for their guerrilla-styled events that can sometimes be done purely out of fun, and sometimes, for a cause...
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Glee Flashmob Dance Kuala Lumpur, of which I’m part of is organizing one of the largest flashmob I’ve ever seen, which you can...
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RA+d collaboration to launch "I
When the day finally came, I sacrificed being in the Merdeka Train Project which I wanted to go for so much, to make sure that...
Read MoreSome of you may or may not know about my involvement with a few main projects as described on my About page, but basically one group called, dubbed as the collective that essentially, seek to bring people together among...
Sunburst KL Music Festival Live! Update: site is down! For information, either go here or ask it live at the CoverItLive session above. Come back at 12pm Money the excited the. I sildenafil citrate 100mg Purchase my...